“I've applied it heavily to how I talk with my partner and my work colleagues. It is the skill set I needed to address more difficult topics.”
-Others trainee
“It's helped me express myself honestly and effectively, while also being incredibly mindful of the person I'm talking to.”
-Others trainee
“Since doing the training, I’m definitely very mindful of climate/weather, listening skills, and better question asking.”
-Others trainee
“I've felt a lot more comfortable being honest. I feel like I have the tools now, and the trust of my other team members.”
-Others trainee
“The training has given me better language to communicate inside and outside of my team.”
-Others trainee
“This is an incredible training program that dramatically improves team morale, empathy, closeness and connection. A program that is designed to improve communication from every direction.”
-Others trainee
“Insightful and grounding”
-Others trainee
“Strong skills that allow me to communicate better both in and out of work. It's a feel-good hour where I get to enjoy a break from work, and dedicate time that's teaching me how to be a better person overall.”
-Others trainee
“All of these trainings have been incredible. I feel so much closer to my team on a personal level. I feel we trust each other more.”
-Others trainee
“I think we have learned SO much incredibly good practical information. A lot of this information might seem too conceptual, but the practice sessions bring it all to life and make it real.”
-Others trainee
“It’s a set of tools for communicating with colleagues, and the exercises and conversations we have in this training can be translated to bigger situations outside of it.”
-Others trainee
“I’m trying to live by The Agreement every day. I used the Four Twists to work through a disagreement in my personal life and got to a resolution much faster than I would have without it.”
-Others trainee
“The empathy training makes us better collaborators, and, because empathy is at the core of marketing, it makes us stronger marketers as well.”
-Others trainee
“A practice in learning how to better understand yourself and those around you.”
-Others trainee
“It's a dedicated time for our team to grow in getting to know each other, grow together, hold space for one another, and connect.”
-Others trainee
“We're able to know each other on a deeper level, and grow together in learning new skills.”
-Others trainee
“I have used the question asking techniques to find the root of a certain viewpoint. It's made me more empathetic with my team, and helped me see various sides.”
-Others trainee